Friday, March 28, 2008

I May Be Wrong, But I'm Not Confused

One of my fellow Nametags Authors is Ben Casnocha who writes on entrepreneurship, books, writing, current affairs, and intellectual life. His Blog today crossed my screen and I've reposted it for your pleasure .... I agree with the sentiment of the blog I know that feeling......

Recently, a newly-hired VP of Marketing briefed the board of directors on his marketing plan for the year. He demonstrated a strong grasp of the the company's goals, market openings, competitive landscape, etc.

Everyone was impressed.

Since this was a technology start-up, everyone also knew that anything could happen. The world could change overnight. The company had a high chance of failure no matter how good the strategy -- this was a start-up, after all.

The VP of Marketing concluded his presentation with a line that acknowledged this uncertainty: I may be wrong, but I'm not confused. In other words, I'm placing bets, they might not pan out, but it's not because I don't understand what's going on or aren't aware of the various options.

Great line.

(as told to me by someone on the board)

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