Thursday, April 17, 2008

Keep Your Pussy Off The Keyboard

Keep Your Pussy Off The Keyboard April 13, 2008



Read more Entertainment , Gadgets , Gizmodo UK , PC , Peripherals

cat bed.jpg
Pet lovers may make something out of this latest pet-related offering, designed to keep kitty away from your technology but still close to hand.

This Kit In Box is essentially a clamp-on box - a cat bed of sorts - that attaches to the side of your computer desk. The idea is that you can work and pet the feline without the feline marching over your keyboard, spilling coffee and peeing on your mouse. Again.

Although to be fair, cats are fairly shy about their Number 1s and 2s, which is why you’re more likely to find poo all over the cables hidden behind your desk, out of sight.

The makers claim that cats will love the high sides and soft cushion for ‘nesting’. I’m not convinced. Looks too small too. Last time a cat was hanging around my workspace, it spent most of the time rubbing up against my legs and sinking its claws into my knees. Still, it’s your £25.-Martin Lynch

[The Refined Feline via Dvice]

gadgets pets cats


Actually it might work, although i'm not sure about the high edges.

I have 2 cat's, and well yest they like to sleep on the desk with half the body on the keyboard.
I recently purchased a nice new TFT screen and was left with my old Monitor arm.

I moved it to the edge of the desk, and put bublewrap, and an old blanket that they used to sleep on and put on top of it.

And well they love it, taking turns sleeping on it, while I play games.

Posted by Brian Levinsen | April 13, 2008 03:30 PM

this one looks like a quite big cat, doesn't it? maybe smaller examples of this species may find enough room for 'nesting' on this piece of wood thing

Posted by hello kitty | April 13, 2008 05:03 PM

It's big enough. My cats love cozy spaces--shoeboxes are pretty much perfect.

Posted by psi*psi | April 13, 2008 06:14 PM

I don't think you people have cats. As far as my experience with cats is that they want to get in the way when you're doing something. I think that little bed is the only place a cat would never be.

Posted by Anonymous | April 13, 2008 08:25 PM

My buddy simply has a desk with a top shelf, where he put a blanket for his cats... they climb up there all the time for a nap, or to watch their pet human play video games :)

Posted by Billco | April 13, 2008 08:40 PM

Actually it will work. I put a pullover in the first drawer of my desk, and i always keep it open. My cat is sleeping in it right now.

That's over a decade he's used to do that.

Posted by FreeDow | April 13, 2008 08:57 PM

Hmmh, maybe that would solve my problem - but it does look a bit small...

Posted by snd | April 13, 2008 09:18 PM

You could try something like this. I replaced the flimsy model with something more sturdy.

Posted by Michael A | April 13, 2008 11:07 PM

Apparently it comes with flowers and has the added features of cleaning up your desk and formatting your word documents. It corrects posture too! Cat boxes are awesome!

Posted by sumgi | April 14, 2008 12:11 AM

This thing would be perfect if it spun around. Then, you could make kitty dizzy and enjoy its company even more as you laughed at it stumbling away like a drunken sailor!

Posted by Buddha Lite | April 14, 2008 01:28 AM

Yes, it looks too small for a cat to be comfortable for long. Plus, my cats interrupt my computer time because they want attention. They want to be petted. Rather than waste your money, just get a blanket or flat pillow and set it on your desk.

Posted by claymore | April 14, 2008 01:29 AM

I like the attention to detail on the screen in the "before" image.

However, I also noticed that the woman is typing without a wrist rest! Carpel tunnel for you!

Posted by JRPereira | April 14, 2008 01:51 AM

My cats tend to lay down on my keyboard because it's guaranteed attention. Doubt they'd have much interest in a random box.

Posted by Erek | April 14, 2008 02:39 AM

this is cool, but i wonder it it would work. My cat loved to lay on my desk while i work, either using my laptop keyboard as a pillow of sitting upright and keeping a close watch on my mouse as it moves over the monitor.

But, looking at this just makes me think of all the scratch pads i have bought for him to try and save my couch. He prefers the couch... i have a feeling id buy this and he'd walk right past it to plop down on the keyboard.

Posted by Liz | April 14, 2008 03:37 AM

This would actually work well for me. It's not that my cat would urinate or defecate on my keyboard or work area. She's not stupid. I really doubt any cat would do that. My cat wants to sit between me and my keyboard because she knows she will be as close as possible to me when I'm "working", as well as that she would get more attention that way. I "force" her to settle for a spot behind me that's still close by, but I think that this type of product would definitely bring her close enough so that she'd still feel like she was between me and my keyboard.

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